UNDRR Gender Consultant


The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

July - Dec 2022
April - Dec 2023

Our project team
Rosanna Drew

Type of work
Gender mainstreaming
Policy and regulatory frameworks
Research and analysis
Reports and editing
Stakeholder engagement and coordination

Key themes
Capacity building
Climate adaptation and resilience
Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI)
Sendai Framework
Stakeholder consultations
Women’s empowerment
Women’s leadership

About this project

As gender consultant with UNDRR in 2022 and 2023, HDC’s Rosanna Drew provided support to the UNDRR Gender Advisor to implement the Women’s International network for Disaster Risk Reduction (WIN DRR) initiative in Asia-Pacific, as well as UNDRR's wider gender work.

This included support on:

  • The midterm review of the Sendai Framework related to gender equality and women's leadership, including a gender and social inclusion analysis of country, regional and thematic reports prepared for the midterm review of the Sendai Framework (MTR SF) as well a supporting the development of the Gender Action Plan to Support Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (Sendai GAP) – see our Sendai GAP project page for more details;

  • All aspects of the Global Platform;

  • Preparation and in-person support at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR);

  • Implementation of UNDRR's gender strategy;

  • UNDRR’s activities to implement the recommendations from the UN Joint Study for Disaster Risk Reduction;

  • UN-SWAP Plan of Action and reporting; and

  • Reviewing documents and guidelines.

Other useful resources


UNDRR Gender Advisor (consultant)


Community Early Warning Systems (CEWS)