Our values
Feminist values – we recognize the systemic nature of inequality and promote gender equality, non-discrimination and empowerment for women and girls and gender diverse people.
An intersectional approach - we understand that people’s situations, identities and risks from disasters and climate change are multi-layered and specific to each context, and that we need to address these overlapping and compounding sources of risk, by addressing experiences of exclusion or disadvantage based on characteristics such as gender, sexuality, age, disability, poverty, ethnicity or faith.
Respect and collaboration with local actors – we offer our services with humility and respect for the knowledge of local actors, listen and work in collaboration with them and hold ourselves accountable to them in any work we do with international, regional and national organizations and governments.
Good governance – we support law and policy frameworks that establish effective institutional mandates and resources for disaster risk reduction and management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, while promoting participation, equality and human rights as essential foundations for sustainable development.
Humanitarian principles and human rights - we respect, promote and work according to international human rights and humanitarian standards, laws and principles.