Accelerating action on gender equality in disaster risk reduction by 2030


The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)


Our project team
Rosanna Drew

Type of work
Gender mainstreaming
Policy and regulatory frameworks
Research and analysis
Reports and editing
Good practice

Key themes
Capacity building
Climate adaptation and resilience
Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI)
Sendai Framework
Women’s empowerment
Women’s leadership

About this project

This report was developed on behalf of UNDRR by Rosanna Drew, during her consultancy with UNDRR in 2023. It is an analysis of gender and social inclusion priorities in country, regional and thematic reports prepared for the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework (MTR SF), which aimed to assess progress toward achieving the goals and targets of the Sendai Framework by 2030. It is an additional resource to the two global reports produced for the MTR SF that provide a global assessment of the progress made in the implementation of the Sendai Framework. Key findings:

  • Gender and social inclusion are acknowledged as priorities for a large portion of Member States. 

  • Good practices on gender were identified across all four priorities of the Sendai Framework, although the scope and scale varied. 

  • There is a need to address broader, underlying risk factors and socioeconomic disparity to improve gender outcomes in DRR, particularly in the wake of COVID-19. 

  • The lack of disaggregated data and systematic information collection continues to hamper the understanding and reporting of gender and social inclusion in DRR. 

  • Addressing gender imbalance in disaster reduction requires active intervention, not only passive intentions.

  • Good practices by local organisations, women’s organisations and civil society remain largely unacknowledged. 

  • Other stakeholders at the global and regional level are making considerable contributions across a range of thematic areas.

Other useful resources


ASEAN Disaster Law and Public Health Emergency Guidelines


Women’s Resilience in Fiji: How Laws and Policies Promote Gender Equality in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management