Floods Research and thematic booklet


International Organization for Migration (IOM)

June 2024 - ongoing

Our project team
Tom Bamforth
Tegan Saunders

Type of work
Case studies
Research and analysis
Report writing
Stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder consultations

Key themes
Anticipatory action
Community development
Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Emergency preparedness and response
Organisational development

About this project

This floods research and thematic booklet is a critical tool in identifying findings, lessons learned, and impacts across complex shelter projects over time. It contributes to ongoing research in the shelter and housing sector on the multi-sectoral benefits of shelter and housing as well as approaches to post flood response and recovery strategies. The thematic booklets can feed into ongoing programming, invest in institutional and sectoral knowledge, learning, capacity and expertise, and can be an evidence base for program development and donor engagement.

The overarching approach adapted in this proposal for the thematic booklet on shelter and floods focusses on documentary analysis, Shelter Projects case studies, and surveys of primary, secondary and ‘grey’ literature relating to shelter and housing interventions. In addition, this will be supported through key stakeholder interviews, structured and semi-structured qualitative processes, and focus group discussions.


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