Australian First Nations participation in the transition to net zero emissions


NintiOne / Australian Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)

July 2024 - ongoing

Our project team
Victoria Bannon
Rosanna Drew

Type of work
Research and analysis
Reports and editing
Stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder consultations

Key themes

Community development


Climate change

First Nations

About this project

The Australian Government is working to accelerate development of clean energy and decarbonisation related skills and capabilities to ensure that the workforce can support Australia’s green energy transition, including prioritising First Nations peoples’ participation in relevant sectors to support this.

First Nations people are currently underrepresented in the clean energy workforce. The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) engaged NintiOne, with support from Humanitarian & Development Consulting, to gather evidence to determine organisational practices in the decarbonisation sectors that provide cultural safety measures to support First Nations peoples’ participation in the decarbonisation workforce.

This research project considers the opportunities available to First Nations people and the barriers to participation in the decarbonisation workforce. The research will lead to the devleopment of resources to support these industries to create better opportunities for First Nations people in Australia’s future workforce.


Floods Research and thematic booklet