Advisory Services to the Australian Government Partnerships for Infrastructure Resilient Infrastructure


Adam Smith International

March 2023 - June 2024

Our project team
Victoria Bannon
Mary Picard
Rosanna Drew

Type of work
Research and analysis
Reports and editing

Key themes
Climate change
Communications and advocacy
Disaster risk reduction
Editorial services
Gender and social inclusion
Infrastructure resilience
Law, policy and governance
Quality and accountability

About this project

The Australian Government’s Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I) initiative aims to support bilateral and regional inclusivity and interconnection with national governments in Southeast Asia and with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for the common purpose of building inclusive, resilient infrastructure. P4I is implemented by leading Australian and regional partners and takes an innovative people-to-people approach to partnerships, advisory services and knowledge-sharing.

Humanitarian and Development Consulting is a provider of expert advisory services to this initiative, with a focus on disaster risk reduction and climate change, led by Adam Smith International.

So far, advisory services have been provided by Victoria Bannon in the areas of quality and accountability, editorial support, communications and advocacy, and technical support for a contingency planning process in Lao PDR.

Useful resources


Floods Research and thematic booklet


Global Mapping of Human Mobility and Disaster Risk Reduction