UN Global Assessment Report 2022: Our World at Risk


The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)


Our project team
Mary Picard
Rosanna Drew

Type of work
Reports and editing
Referencing and bibliography
Strategic planning

Key themes
Climate adaptation and resilience
Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI)
Sendai Framework
Systemic risk
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

About this project

The UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is the flagship report of the United Nations on worldwide efforts to reduce disaster risk and is published by the UNDRR. It is the product of many contributions, including from States and disaster risk-related science and research stakeholders, amongst others.

GAR2022 explores how, around the world, structures are evolving to better address systemic risk. The report shows how governance systems can evolve to reflect the interconnected value of people, the planet and prosperity. HDC provided Dr. Mary Picard as a disaster risk reduction expert content editor and Rosanna Drew as part of the editorial team responsible for references and sources.

Other useful resources


Evaluation of the Global Shelter Cluster 2018-2022 5-Year Strategy


Evaluation of the IFRC-wide response to the COVID-19 pandemic