ASEAN Disaster Law and Public Health Emergency Guidelines


ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Disaster Management Committee and IFRC Disaster Law Program

November 2021 - September 2023

Our project team
Victoria Bannon
Tegan Saunders
Hannah Irving
Lipika Sharma
Samban Seng

Type of work
Legal and regulatory frameworks
Research and analysis
Reports and editing

Key themes
Disaster law and policy
Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Humanitarian response
Institutional arrangements for disasters and public health emergencies
Pandemics and epidemics
Public health emergency law and policy

About this project

In this project, commissioned by the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management in partnership with the IFRC, HDC examined the extent to which ASEAN Member States national and regional disaster management laws, policies and strategies consider the needs of public health emergencies (PHEs). 

The project resulted in a mapping report and set of Guidelines, based on international standards and good practice, tailored to the ASEAN region. The Guidelines are non-binding recommendations for consideration by those involved in the development of disaster management legal frameworks at national and regional level. They were endorsed by the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management on 9 August 2023. It is hoped the Guidelines will be used to improve legal frameworks and facilitate humanitarian responses to disasters and PHEs in future.

Other useful resources


Community Early Warning Systems (CEWS)


Accelerating action on gender equality in disaster risk reduction by 2030