Analysis of IFRC Responses to Internal Displacement


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

February 2019 - May 2019

Our project team
Victoria Bannon
Marilena Berardo
Becky-Jay Harrington

Type of work
Capacity building
Research and analysis
Reports and editing

Key themes
Internal displacement
Law, policy and governance
Organisational development
Protection and human rights

About this project

This project was initiated in the year of the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Policy on Internal Displacement, which provides important guidance to all components of the Movement on how to address the various aspects of preventing, responding to and facilitating durable solutions to internal displacement caused by disasters, including those related to climate change, armed conflict and other situations of violence.

To better understand this role in disaster settings, the IFRC Migration and Displacement Unit commissioned research to capture the ways in which IFRC and National Societies contribute to addressing internal displacement in disaster settings issues and to identify opportunities for further development.

The report found that the IFRC and National Societies play a crucial role in responding to situations of internal displacement around the world in disasters and other settings, however, there is a need for the IFRC and National Societies to strengthen awareness and share their experiences. Emerging challenges, such protracted displacement and the increasingly urban nature of internal displacement, requires the adaptation of existing tools and approaches, and in some cases new guidance is needed to better support assistance and protection initiatives.

The report helped to inform the IFRC’s approach to the development of new commitments on displacement at its statutory meetings and for program development.


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