Lao PDR Disaster Management Law 2019 and National DRR Strategy 2021


Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Our project team
Mary Picard

Type of work
Legal and regulatory frameworks
Reports and editing
Strategic planning

Key themes
ASEAN Member State: Lao PDR
Climate change adaptation
Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Finance and resource mobilisation
Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI)

About this project

Dr. Mary Picard, in support to the Lao PDR Government, acted as an international consultant for the development of the Lao PDR Legislation & National DRR Strategy. Development of the disaster risk management law focused on disaster risk budget and financing aspects (2018-2019), followed by preparation and drafting of a National DRR Strategy (2019-2021), substantively completed January 2021, policy approval and translation August 2021.


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