Strengthening disaster resilience of small and medium enterprises in Asia: Regional synthesis report


Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)

August 2015 - September 2016

Our project team
Mary Picard
Ross de Leon
Apassanun Silapapiphat
Yen Hoang Tran

Type of work
Research and analysis
Reports and editing
Stakeholder engagement
Multi-stakeholder coordination

Key themes
Disaster risk resilience (DRR)
Disaster risk management (DRM)
International law and policy
Organisational development
Private sector
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

About this project

Dr. Mary Picard served as an ADB International Consultant to support the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) project on building disaster-resilience of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Southeast Asia, focusing on four AMS: Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The project produced four country reports and a regional synthesis report.

SME disaster resilience is a cross-cutting issue for governments. Support for SME commercial development is provided by government agencies, but not resilience to disasters. Climate and disaster risk management institutions, while they have mandates for community and government, do not consider the specific needs of SMEs.

This project takes existing disaster risk management laws, policies and institutions, and identifies ways for countries to strengthen partnerships and coordination of government and the private sector to improve SME disaster resilience.

Other useful resources


Strengthening the legal framework for disaster risk management in Cambodia