Legislating for Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management in the Pacific - Workshop
About this project
For this project, Dr. Mary Picard presented on international law and climate change, the Commonwealth’s Law & Climate Change toolkit, and co-facilitated the Worksop held in Suva 6-8 July 2018, with IFRC and Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS).
The three day workshop, Legislating for Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management in the Pacific, was held in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat and IFRC, with financial support provide by Australian Red Cross and British Red Cross.
The report below is the report of the July 2018 workshop in Suva, Fiji, which was prepared mainly by PIFS and IFRC. It provides a good overview of the issues covered as well as the content of the workshop.
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