Evaluation of Phase 3 of the Post-Earthquake Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform (HRRP) Nepal


Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

August 2019 - November 2020

Our project team
Victoria Bannon
Pratiksha Khanal

Type of work
Evaluation and assessment
Research and analysis
Reports and editing

Key themes
Climate change
Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI)
Gender responsiveness

About this project

This project was commissioned by CRS Nepal and HRRP to evaluate the relevance, efficiency, impact, sustainability, results framework and key activities of Phase 3 of the Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform (HRRP).

The HRRP was established in 2015 to provide support to the Government of Nepal for post-earthquake housing reconstruction, addressing the key areas of coordination; partner organisations, technical assistance and information management. Phase 1 was led by IOM and UN Habitat, Phase 2 by IOM and from March 2017, Phase 3 was led by CRS Nepal.

The evaluation aims to identify key learnings to inform the next phase of work as well as contribute to organisational and global learning by identifying good practices and lessons learned.


CADRI tool for country capacity assessment


Development of Climate and displacement training kit